Phoenix Get-Together 2014 – Part One

Last weekend, I went to Phoenix, Arizona to meet with a group of people I have had the pleasure of talking to across the past year during Don Giannatti’s Project 52. We had several photographers descend on his studio for a weekend of shooting, silliness, more shooting, dinner, more shooting… Two photographers were here from… Continue reading Phoenix Get-Together 2014 – Part One

Cooking With Chili

We were given a layout and a topic of “Cooking With Chili” over at Project 52. I came up with this. Now, me being me, I just couldn’t leave well enough alone. I had all of these wonderful items, and an idea… The bread was delicious!

Helping Hands

I’ve always liked working with hands. This concept shot just seemed like an appropriate way to show one helping another as the new year begins.

Kawasaki Concours14

My neighbor, Bill, was gracious enough to let me borrow his motorcycle for a day to work through some ideas I wanted to try. He even allowed me to do a photo of him with his motorcycle as evening fell. Thank you for the opportunity to work with you, Bill!