Portrait Of A Musician – Aaron

This is Aaron. He is a bass player and teacher. He might look like a bad-ass, but he’s a wonderfully grounded and gentle person. Thanks, Aaron, for letting me make this portrait of you.

Concept Shot – Power

Over at Project 52, the assignment came in: Shoot a concept shot of Power. Since this is a learning opportunity, I saw this as a chance to expand a little in a direction I don’t go in that often – towards a graphic art composite more than straight-up portrait or tabletop work. The model is Cheryl,… Continue reading Concept Shot – Power

2014 Project 52 – Chocolate

Over at Project 52, the assignment came in: Chocolate. Make a menu item that screams chocolate. Color. Square. Go. If you want to know how I did it, I am happy, and humbled, to have been featured on Don Giannatti’s Lighting Essentials blog. You can find that article here: http://www.lighting-essentials.com/chocolate-two-shots/ Enjoy.