Phoenix Get-Together 2014 – Part One

Last weekend, I went to Phoenix, Arizona to meet with a group of people I have had the pleasure of talking to across the past year during Don Giannatti’s Project 52. We had several photographers descend on his studio for a weekend of shooting, silliness, more shooting, dinner, more shooting… Two photographers were here from Sweden, one from London, England, one from Canada, a couple from the East Coast of the United States, me from the West Coast, and one local to the Phoenix area. All too soon I had to come home, while they took off for a week in the wilds of northern Arizona. Next year, I would love to be able to join them for that part!


As for this past weekend, I had a blast. I got to work with some wonderful people, and try an idea or three. Here are some of the behind-the-scenes shots. I’ll show my best across the next couple of posts.

DSC_7555A-Don DSC_7556A-John-and-Tomas-Pixel-Peeping

Hunting the ever elusive Still Life Shot DSC_7559A-Tomas-Hunting-A-Still-Life

 DSC_7640A-Tomas-Angelic Angelic? Yeah, not so much. (*Grin*)


Okay, one for real before I go.
