Just For Fun – The Tea Collection


Some of the members of Project 52 were playing around one afternoon not that long ago, and we challenged each other to take whatever tea we had on hand at the time, and make something interesting of it.

I started with an idea of how to show it, and I started to build a set. Then I started to bring in the actual tea collection.

Suddenly, I started to feel like Roy Scheider’s character in “Jaws.”

“You’re gonna need a bigger boat.”

What that looked like, after the jump.

As I said before the jump:DSCN1322-The-Tea-Collection-(Bigger-Boat)

So I ended up building “stairs” to place it all on. The wood itself used to be a futon that died. I re-purposed the wood for this project, before making a portable table out of it, but that’s a story for another day. For this day, it was enough to be able to build a background and “steps” and use natural light to pull it all off.

